Sweating is a body mechanism to help us cool down. However when this comes excessively, then there is a problem which is medically know as HYPERHIDROSIS.
Primary hyperhidrosis is a problem with the nervous system। A person sweats profusely in one area of the body or another such as the feet, under the arms, the head, palms of the hands, or any other area of the body where sweat glands reside।
Secondary hyperhidrosis is usually caused by an underlying cause. This varies from patient to patient and may be caused by hormonal changes in the body (such as those that are experienced during menopause or a typical monthly cycle), problems with some of the glands or any number of different diseases.
Cause of Excessive Sweating
Some patients afflicted with this condition experience a certain level of reduction in their quality of life.
ExcessiveSweating could be caused by nervous problem or by taking some certain foods & drinks like caffeine and nicotine
Best Way to Stop Excessive Sweating
If your excessive sweating seem unstopable with all possible effort made, then the product you're using could be the cause, talk to your doctor about the problem. He could prescibe a treament option for you considering the level of the problem.In some cases, an aluminum-chloride, drysol, and ethyl-alcohol solution, could be prescription. Apply it at night and washoff in the morning until the sweating is under control. Botox, the popular injectable wrinkle remedy could also be injected into the skin, to temporarily paralyzes the sweat glands in the treated area. Decide under the supervision of your doctor in order to know thw treatment wich is best for you.
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